Skin complaints in Spring

Spring is a season of rejuvenation, renewal, and regeneration. However, for many people, it can also be a time of skin complaints. The changing weather conditions, increased exposure to the sun, and allergens can lead to a range of skin problems. But what are the most common skin complaints in Spring? And how can you beat the seasonal challenges?

What are the most common skin complaints in Spring?

There are a number of different skin complaints that become more common and prevalent in the Spring months. These include:

Allergies: Spring is well known for being the season of allergies, and the weather at this time of year can bring on skin allergies like hives, rashes, and eczema. These reactions can be caused by allergens such as pollen, dust, and mould. Avoiding the allergens is the best strategy to treat skin allergies. During periods of high pollen, keep windows and doors closed, use air purifiers, and stay indoors. Antihistamines sold over-the-counter can also assist to lessen itchiness and redness.

UV damage: As the weather warms up, people tend to spend more time outdoors, and this can lead to UV damage. This occurs when the skin is exposed to too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and can result in sun spots or age spots, as well as dry, dehydrated skin and an increase in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.During the Spring months, this type of UV damage can sneak up on people, as the temperatures haven’t yet reached their peak for the year, and the sun often doesn’t feel too warm. This means that you may be more likely to spend a lot of time outdoors without the correct UV protection. Here at the Skin and Wellbeing Clinic we stock a number of leading products by SkinCeuticals, including the Mineral Radiance UV Defense SPF 50, which is a lightweight sunscreen, as well as the Oil Shield UV Defense SPF 50.

Acne: Acne is a common skin condition that can happen at any time of the year, but because of the increased sweating and humidity in the spring, it can get worse. The perspiration and oil on the skin can block pores and lead to acne flare ups. Keeping the skin dry and clean is the greatest method to avoid acne, as well as avoiding touching the area and cleansing twice a day with a mild cleanser. Acne can also be treated with over-the-counter drugs that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. In addition, here at The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic, we offer IPL treatment specifically to tackle acne and cystic acne within the skin.

Eczema: A persistent skin disorder known as eczema results in dry, itchy, and irritated skin. In the spring, irritants like pollen and dust can make eczema symptoms worse. Keeping the skin hydrated is the greatest technique to treat eczema. Avoid using harsh cleansers and detergents, and moisturise twice daily with fragrance free moisturiser. Hydrocortisone cream purchased over the counter can also aid in reducing inflammation and itching. 

Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and inflammation on the face. The symptoms of rosacea can become worse in spring due to increased exposure to the sun and allergens. Here at The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic, we provide high quality IPL treatment that can be very effective for treating Rosacea. 

For more information or advice about our range of treatments, why not get in touch with Preston’s leading aesthetic practitioners, here at The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic?

The Skin and Wellbeing Clinic is proud to provide professional aesthetics treatments for clients in Preston, Blackpool, Leyland, Chorley, Kirkham, Blackburn and the North West of England. Our key treatments and services include Anti Wrinkle Injections, Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal, Acne Treatments, Injectable Polynucleotides, and much more.