Please read before attending your appointment, and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

To ensure maximum safety for our clients and staff members we have put a number of measures in place in line with the governments COVID 19 guidelines:

  • We will be allowing one client only in the clinic at any one time, so please come to your appointment alone.
  • Please wait in your car in the clinic car park until we contact you stating we are ready for you to come in. We will then meet you at the front door of the building and escort you in. This avoids cross over of clients and also allows time to clean the clinic before the next client enters.
  • Before entering the clinic room we will have a sanitising station which will contain hand sanitiser, gloves a face mask that we will ask you to apply before entering.
  • Clinic staff will be wearing PPE at all times, which consists of gloves, face mask and apron. All of which will be fully disposed after each client.
  • The clinic will be fully cleaned following government protocol in between each client.
  • We will be carrying out telephone consultations, were we will fill out medical questionnaires, including an extra COVID-19 questionnaire, so will only require a quick review and signature (using our IPad pencil which will be cleaned after every contact) from you on the day of your appointment. This reduces the time spent by each client in the clinic.
  • If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms please do not attend your appointment: high temperature or feeling feverish, new cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms, nausea or diarrhoea, chills or shivering, muscle pains or rash, loss of taste of smell.
  • We will not be providing any drinks to minimise cross contamination from surfaces, but clients are allowed to bring their own drinks.
  • Please use the lavatory before leaving home for your appointment, again to minimise cross contamination from surfaces.
  • Please avoid touching any surfaces in the clinic unless it is necessary and unavoidable.
  • Clients receiving treatments to the lower face (such as lip augmentation) will be asked to remove the face mask just before the procedure begins, and will be asked to please refrain from talking, coughing and sneezing during the treatment.

We really appreciate your co-operation and can not wait to see you all soon 😊